Tag gear crafting

John Barrymore December 05, 2023 6 minutes
This blog post provides a detailed guide on crafting gear and embellishments in Dragonflight Patch 10.2 for Season 3. It includes recommendations for each spec, along with tips on how to spend the valuable currency, Spark of Dreams, to maximize your throughput. The post also features contributions from WoWhead's class writers to provide expert insights for each class.
John Barrymore November 15, 2023 8 minutes
Gear crafting in the Dragonflight Patch 10.2 update for Season 3 has introduced new gear pieces, embellishments, and higher item levels. This blog post provides a guide on how to spend the new currency, Spark of Dreams, by highlighting the best Crafted Gear and Embellishments for each spec in the game.
John Barrymore November 14, 2023 3 minutes
Dragonflight Season Three introduces a new currency and crafting system for endgame gear. Players will now need to obtain Nascent Crest reagents to craft Enchanted Crests, which are essential for creating high-level gear. These Nascent Crests can be purchased from enchanting vendors in Dragonflight zones, making the crafting process straightforward.